The Northern Coast is very diverse. There is a wide variety of ecosystems with different conservation status and a heterogeneous degree of human and economic development. This coast faces major challenges, which impedes achieving a sustainable development, including conflict of responsibilities and interests between different users, severe environmental degradation, water pollution and deteriorating social conditions and climate change impacts. Natural and human induced pressures require long-term planning of coastal areas and the improvement of existing institutional capacities.
Continuing with existing ICZM initiatives in Egypt, this study is to contribute to a holistic understanding of the coastal area and its singularities, involving coastal institutions and communities in the definition of coastal concerns.
The study encompasses two Tasks:
Task 1: ICZM stocktaking, preliminary assessment and scoping study.
Task 1 is to identify and preliminary assess technical, environmental and socio-economic issues related to shoreline management along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. This Task includes all the activities required to provide a holistic understanding of the coast, identifying present and future challenges and problems. These challenges will guide the objectives of future coastal management plans.
- Activity 1.1 Data collection and assessment.
- Activity 1.2 Definition of Coastal Units.
- Activity 1.3 Assessment of each Coastal Unit.
- Activity 1.4 Assessment of long-term scenarios.
- Activity 1.5 Development of the GIS System.
- Activity 1.6 Transfer of knowledge.
The main outputs of Task 1 are:
- Data assessment for the ICZM development in the North Coast.
- Coastal zonation.
- Assessment of actual issues for each coastal unit.
- Description of upcoming issues for different scenarios (SLR, demography and urban growth) for each coastal unit.
- GIS database with data collected.
- On job training sessions for coastal practitioners.
Task 2: Consultation, awareness raising and participation.
Task 2 is to raise the awareness of coastal stakeholders and obtain a shared ownership of the coastal issues that will lead future management plans. Stakeholder?s participation is crucial to forge partnerships between government administrations and other coastal sectors. At this point, the coordination of government policy and action (vertically and horizontally) and the collaboration of government and non-governmental stakeholders (private sector, academia and local communities) are to sustain the efficiency of coastal management plans. Task 2 encompasses three Activities:
- Activity 2.1 Stakeholders identification
- Activity 2.2 Development of communication tools
- Activity 2.3 Visioning coastal challenges
The main outputs of Task 2 are:
- Inventory of Coastal Zone Stakeholders.
- English and Arabic web site.
- English and Arabic brochures for each coastal Governorate.
- Shared recognition and understanding of coastal issues.
The main objective of this study is to define the scope of establishing an ICZM Plan along the North Coast of Egypt. The study has two specific objectives, corresponding with Task 1 and Task 2:
- Objective of Task 1: to identify existing conditions for the development of coastal management plans in the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, in terms of available resources. Therefore, this study will define the present and future coastal issues and challenges that will determine the management priorities of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt.
- Objective of Task 2: to raise the awareness of relevant stakeholders on the importance and benefits of having an ICZM Plan. That is, to involve and empower concerned authorities and non-governmental stakeholders in the coastal planning process.
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